
Multiengine Training


Q: How many flight hours do I need to earn my multiengine rating?
A: Under Part 61 training, the student trains until proficiency is reached. A well-prepared student could complete his training in about 7-10 hours. Under Part 141 training, a minimum of 15 flight hours is required.

Q: How quickly can I complete my multiengine rating training?
A: Training can be completed in as little as 3 days with the checkride scheduled on the 4th or 5th day depending on DPE availability.

Q: What is the DPE availability?
A: We have two DPEs on staff who can be reserved upon scheduling your training dates.

Q: How many MEIs do you have?
A: We have several highly qualified MEIs. You can read more about them here.

Q: Can I use my VA benefits for multiengine training?
A: Yes! Through our 141 program you are able to utilize your benefits for your training.

Q: Can I rent the airplane?
A: Due to insurance requirements, all flights in the PA-39 must be dual. However, we offer rental & instruction at a discounted rate for time-builders.

Q: What avionics are in the airplane?
A: The Twin Comanche has a Garmin Avionics Package: GMA 345 Audio Panel, GTN 530W, GTX 345 ADS-B In/Out with Traffic & Weather, Dual CGR-30P Engine Monitors, Dual G5 HSI & Attitude Indicator. You can see more here.